Containment breach download free
Containment breach download free

containment breach download free

Free Download Report It Download Problems. You can download 4681410 of Scp Containment Breach Black now. You're thrown into the boots of a Class D test. The events of the game take place in a containment site of The SCP Foundation, a secret organization dedicated to containing and researching anomalous artifacts and entities that threaten the normality of the world. And I do not have time to write the rest. Scp Containment Breach Black supports png. SCP - Containment Breach is a free survival horror game written in Blitz3D.

containment breach download free

I like the game just because it is a little bit similar to scp containment breach. Finally I do not like the way the character(you) well you know what who cares about this review no one cares so let’s get to the good parts.

containment breach download free

Second of all scp 173 is not scp 137 but who would care about that anyway scp 173 is stuck in one position until you blink or look away aka when your line of sight is broken and scp 173 does not follow the person neither does scp 173 breathe but that does not matter right well yes but the thing with scp 173 is that when he does not move and you think you’re ok because he does not move when you blink or look away so you look away thinking you will not die poof the jumpscare appears and then the death screen. First of all the game feels like there is no lights and I am trying to see the things that are in this game please add more lights many players want to see things not pitch black. I will start off with the bad things then the good things.

Containment breach download free